Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Every tear you made me cry,
Is a little piece of my heart you took away,
But every time you make me smile,
The feelings will back again,
Either u and i will never know how much the pain,
Hoping the love would not be die,
Praying to God that we will be bless,
The chain within u and i will always stand in still....

These quote is basically showed of what i feel now..and it's truly prepared by me!!!~ wierd huh?? didn't expected dat i can wrote poems??? it flowly comes out from the bottom of my heart..i'm not in a gud mood today,. just wanna take a rest for the whole day by taking a long nap and alone, only for one day without being interrupted by anyone!!~ I'm hurting!!~ sometimes, a little crush could lead u to a huge heartache!!~

**This Independent girl is struggle with her emotion**