Monday, February 9, 2009

My 1st Day Using SIY...

Day 1

erm...not really remembered, yg aku ingat is what i've been ate la. kih kih..
1st day tu mmg rs concious gak la nk minum juice tu i just drink a glass of horlicks and a piece of cakes.
mmg ade rs pening tp not really bad lar mcm testimonial yg aku bc dlm web tu. mula2 tu agak tkt jugak tpengaruh ngn kesan2 yg da dorg citer. but after 4-5 hours, aku rs kenyang..lunch pun amek around 2 pm, tu pon mkn roti and i took mineral water. air kene minum at least 2-3 liter. hmm,best gak dpt control my diet. hehehe... and dinner plak, i just took mushroom soup, garlic bread and also salad full of tomatoes and cucumber plus thousand island..delicious!!~
mcm best je diet cmni.. tp still miss my nasi!!~ hurmm..

Day 2

yesterday, i took nasi lemak as a breakfast plus skyjuice laa..xde minum air2 teh ke milo ke..hehe..poyo giler.. ermm..lunch plak i ate roti krim and cm biasa la mineral water..dinner mkn nasi yg dirindui!!~ hahahaha...then tdo dgn bahagia...

Day 3 (Today)

hr ni aku breakfast roti 3 keping plus milo..xtahan ngn penangan air milo kt umh..haha..then lunch amek nasi dlm 5 sudu,sayur kangkung goreng,ayam and ikan bakar. sedap hingga menjilat ibu jari!! lagi2 yg masak tu my mum.. heee.. dinner plak just amek keropok lekor 3 batang cm tu la.. sebab da dipotong kecik2 muat 1 cup je..

td balik umh sewa, me and fiza try ukur body, khamis last week da ukur.. and believe it or not, my inches kurang dlm 2 numbers!...
WaaAA!!!!~ this is very good news.. it's not easy tau nk kurangkn body inch ni!!~ huhuhu.... can't wait till the next day and after...i hope to reduced my weight till 48-50 kg's la...paling ok pon 52-55kg pon xkesah la... coz fizal ckp dia x berapa nk suka kalu aku kurus sgt... he still likes me mcm ni.. cume some parts tu kene adjust sket... hehehehe... i noe what he's concerned about... keh keh.. k la, wait 4 my next testimonials yeaaa!!!~ daaaaa...


Anonymous said...

patut la dah kurus sikit.hehehe

NOR ZARINA said... 1st follower!!
thx for read it..really appreciate it..
wait for my next testi and will update my latest pictures next..

tq ;)

Anonymous said...

first and forever.hehehe.

NOR ZARINA said...

